Mental Health: Stamping out the Stigma
Lockdown has no doubt, thrown a spanner in the works for us all in many ways. It is expected that some of us may be struggling to keep a handle on our mental health. With threats of a second UK lockdown, it is important to prepare ourselves in the best ways possible. At WeMa, we hold mental and emotional wellbeing at the upmost importance, so we have put together some key points to remember and aim for during these unprecedented times.
Stay connected
Whilst many aspects of 2020 have been challenging to say the least, there are also lots of things to be grateful for! In the height of the technological age we have the undeniably amazing ability to stay connected to our loved ones at this time. It is becoming increasingly easy to jump on Zoom for a pub quiz or Netflix party for a movie night with friends!
Take time for yourself
Whilst it is important to stay social, you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking some time for yourself once in while. If you live with others, sometimes being together 24/7 can be slightly overwhelming- no matter how much you love and adore each other! Make sure to take some time for yourself by getting some exercise, doing some journaling or (weather permitting) catching some rays!
Keep on top of your sleep schedule
Don’t get us wrong, a lie in never hurt nobody however keeping a consistent sleep schedule has a plethora of mental health benefits. There are also countless physiological health benefits too such as boosting your immune system and reducing the risk of long term conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes or Heart Disease! Good sleep is one of the key pillars of health, don’t underestimate it!
Try to stay productive BUT don’t be too hard on yourself!
Sometimes it can feel it can feel like everyone else is being SO productive by mastering new skills, writing novels and becoming the next Picasso. Accepting that single one of us deals with situations very differently is so important. However you are feeling at the moment is valid and you are not alone so make sure to set positive but realistic expectations for yourself in this time!
There is no one definition of a ‘productive day’. No matter how busy you are, one great way to boost those endorphinsis by making a to-do list including everything you plan of doing for the day. No matter how ‘small’ the job is, checking items off a list gives a great sense of achievement!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help- we all need it sometimes!
We all need a little help sometimes so don’t be ashamed to ask for it! There are so many ways you can get help, even during lockdown. Many counsellors, therapists and other mental health professional are providing remote support so just jump on google because there are so many professionals out there who want to help you to get back on track.
If you are not ready to speak to someone directly, that’s okay too. There are lots of resources designed to help you get back on track. A great way to take the first step in your mental health journey is by downloading an app such as Calm, Headspace or Moodnotes- they’re definitely worth a try.
You can also have a flick through these useful links to find out more about mental and emotional wellness management: