The Art of S.M.A.R.T: Goal Setting Do’s & Don’ts
Humans are goal-driven creatures
Our lives are continually directed towards completion of goals whether we even realise it or not. Even mundane tasks such as popping to the shops for some bread, stems from you setting that goal for yourself and subsequently achieving it. It’s unlikely that you ended up in the bread isle of Sainsbury’s by accident! When it comes to larger, more life-altering goals (perhaps health, family or career-related), the process is often automatically less subconscious. Harnessing this and setting intentional objectives is the first step to success.
People with written goals are 50% more likely to achieve…
So, we’ve established that goal setting is highly important when it comes to eliminating the guess work and giving us that laser focus we, so often, crave. But there are certain techniques that we can use to aid us in the process. Did you know that people with clear, written goals are 50% more likely to achieve than people without? All it takes is a little time, effort, and a notepad.
A crash course in S.M.A.R.T goals…
There are countless great methods which can help you when embarking on your goal setting journey, but at WeMa, our favourite is the S.M.A.R.T method. The S.M.A.R.T method is based on a specific set of criteria which can help you to ensure that your goals are aspirational, yet attainable, intentional, and highly motivational (take a second to really take in each of those terms). So, need I say more? Let’s get to it…
Each one of your goals should be:
Specific: You want your goals to be clear-cut and definitive. Specific goals allow you to envision exactly what it is you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to get into the precise details- whilst they may seem trivial, each piece of information builds towards your grand vision. Remember, vague goals will get you nowhere.
Measurable: Think about which metrics you can use to measure your progress. This can be tricky when there is no numerical value tied to the thing you are measuring but there are plenty of inventive ways to proceed. For instance, if your goal involves measuring emotions, you could keep a short diary or bullet journal to track your feelings daily. Measurable goals are more tangible and highly motivational as they allow you to see progression over time.
Achievable: It is important you give yourself a reality check every now and then. Make sure you actually can accomplish your goals within a given time frame. Setting unrealistic goals can form negative feedback loops where you end up feeling unaccomplished over and over again- don’t set yourself up to fail. Instead, ensure that your goals are aspirational and achievable!
Relevant: You want your goals to align with your core values and long-term visions. Ask yourself why you really want to achieve these particular things and how they cooperate with your other aspirations. It’s all part of the grand plan!
Time-bound: You want to set a realistic completion date for your goals. Having a specific date to aim for is the best way to minimise procrastination and maximise productivity because it adds an element of urgency. Remember, ‘eventually’ or ‘some-day’ may as well mean never.
Don’t forget to put pen to paper…
Once you have established your goals and aspirations make sure to write them down! If you let them float around in your head, you leave them wide open to becoming jumbled up and swept under the carpet. If you keep them at the forefront of your mind, you’ll eventually find yourself even subconsciously taking actions towards your goals. We hope this has inspired you to take control of your progress and achievements this coming year- Good luck!